Focused on supporting you

We offer a person-centred approach to health and wellbeing with our range of services and support. We understand that all sorts of factors can influence your mental wellbeing and aim to support you holistically taking factors such as housing, finance, employment and physical health into account. Below is some useful information on these topics, however if you’d like to receive tailored in person advice please drop into the Space during our open hours.


Mental Health & Wellbeing

We’re here to help you and your loved ones identify any concerns you may have through a variety of support and services.

Physical Health

We offer advice and signposting for those living with a disability, long-term health conditions or looking to improve their physical health.


We offer advice and mental health support surrounding any housing needs and challenges that may be affecting you and your loved ones.


We offer advice on benefits and provide support applying for them, including guidance with forms and communications.


We can help point you in the right direction to gain additional skills and qualifications when it comes to your education.


We can help you get the support and advice you need to build the skills toward getting into employment.

Questions about our services?