
LGBTQ+ History Month at the Croydon Health and Wellbeing Space

 February is LGBTQ+ History Month! Did you know that those in the LGBTQ+ community are more than twice as likely to develop a mental health problem? Recent studies have shown half of LGBTQ+ people have experienced depression, 3/5 have experienced anxiety and 1/8 have attempted to end their life. There are many things we need to recognise which the LGBTQ+ community often go through, which can affect their mental health such as discrimination, homophobia/transphobia, social isolation, rejection and difficult experiences of coming out. Society has come a long way over the years but there is still work to be done. There are many barriers for the LGBTQ+ community when accessing support; recent studies have shown around 1/8 LGBTQ+ people have experienced unequal treatment from healthcare staff and 1/7 have avoided seeking treatment for fear of discrimination. At the Croydon Health and Wellbeing Space, we pride ourselves in being a safe space for all. Our aim is to make mental health care more accessible, particularly for those who are from marginalised communities. We urge anyone from the LGBTQ+ community who is struggling with their mental health to drop in and have a chat with one of our non-judgemental support staff who will help them navigate the support options available to them.



